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APC Akoko NE/NW Fed. Constituency Primary Reportedly Marred With Irregularities, Protest

The primary election for Akoko NorthEast/NorthWest Federal Constituency ahead of the February 3 Bye-election was reportedly marred with protest.

Eight of the Nine aspirants at the primary election held on Saturday January 6 , 2023 at Victory College, Ikare-Akoko alleged that the delegates list was doctored in favour of one of the aspirants, Ife Ehindero.

There were complaints that the delegates list had strange names different from the originally collated names from the ward levels.

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A former member and Majority Leader in the Ondo State House of Assembly, Chief Olugbenga Araoyinbo who led the protest was however arrested.

Chief Araoyinbo had faulted doctoring of the delegates list by a serving minister and called on the leadership of the party to ensure fair play.

Despite the protests and some delays which disrupted the exercise, the Chairman of the Election Committee , Alhaji Abubakar Nasir however declared one of the aspirants , Ife Ehindero as the winner with one hundred and five polls out of one hundred and six expected delegates, while one vote was recorded as for others.

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Alhaji Nasir said the election was in consonance with the party’s highlighted guidelines.

The venue of the primary election had the presence of men of the Nigeria Police Force, Correctional Service, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps and Immigration services.

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