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Oyo Assembly Crisis: PDP Caucus Remain United, Won’t Be Distracted – PDP Whip, AKT

The People’s Democratic Party, PDP Caucus of the Oyo state House of Assembly has commended the Speaker, Rt. Honorable Adebo Ogundoyin, over his decision not sanction some aggrieved lawmakers who had petitioned the Governor over their alleged sidelining in the House.

The PDP Whip of the 10th Assembly and second term lawmaker representing Lagelu state constituency, Honorable Akintunde Olajide otherwise called AKT, made this known yesterday while addressing newsmen shortly after the Thursday’s plenary.

Speculations were rife in a section of the online media projecting that the Speaker would at the last plenary wield the strong hammer on those lawmakers allegedly involved in a petition to the governor against Ogundoyin.

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Contrary to speculations as widely reported, the Speaker, during the plenary maintained that nobody would be victimized or sanctioned on account of voicing out what they felt as perceived injustice on their part while calling on lawmakers to shun sponsoring and spreading unfounded rumours capable of causing disaffection and disunity in the House.

Hon. Akintunde described the Speaker’s decision to dispel the rumor and making his stand known as a show of exemplary leadership which was commendable and worthy of emulation.

He called on the public to continue to support the legislature in carrying out its legislative business by not spreading false and malicious publications aimed at discrediting its efforts and strides.

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He emphasized the importance of House cohesion stressing that the state Assembly would not be distracted by hearsays by those bent on causing division in the house. He also stated that the House and PDP Caucus in the 10th assembly remains united and committed to the oath they swore to the state and members of their constituencies.

“Our commitment is to serve the people diligently, and the Speaker’s decision not to sanction erring lawmakers clearly reflect a balanced approach to maintaining order while ensuring fair treatment for all members in the House.

” As you can all see during the plenary which had virtually all members in attendance, that everything went well and peacefully, legislative proceedings was orderly and in its usual manner so, what that means is that we’re a united House regardless of our different political affiliations.

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“We will not be distracted by hearsays and we urge members of the public to help us maintain focus on the legislative job they elected us to do by not spreading false and unfounded rumours capable of distracting the House.” Hon. Akintunde said.

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